Please make sure you have installed MetaMask and are connected to the Ethereum or BNB Chain before transferring assets from Ethereum or BNB Chain to BTTC via BitTorrent Bridge. You can refer to Connect Your Wallet for more guides.
Please follow the steps below while your wallet is connected:
Step 1: Fill in the basic info
Choose "Ethereum" or "BNB Chain" under "From" on the left and "BTTC" under "To" on the right.
Choose the token you want to transfer to BTTC and enter the amount. Then, you will see the token and amount you will receive on BTTC below.
Now, enter the receiving address or use the connected address.
- The address of your connected MetaMask wallet is the default receiving address.
- You may also switch on "Use another address" to enter or paste the receiving address. Please make sure you are entering the correct address as you are unable to edit or cancel the transaction once it is initiated.
Step 2: Initiate the transfer
Click "Cross-Chain" and check the estimated time and gas fee required in the "Transaction Preview" window. Then, click "Continue" to view the transaction details.
Click "Confirm" after you have confirmed the transaction details and sign in MetaMask under the corresponding network.
The cross-chain transaction will be initiated after you sign in MetaMask. Then, you will see the estimated time for the asset to arrive. It is estimated to take up to 8 minutes for asset to be transferred from BNB Chain to BTTC and 18 minutes from Ethereum to BTTC.
Step 3: Wait for asset arrival
No further action is required after you close the pop-up window. You may track the status of this transaction in "Bridge Records", which can be found in the top right corner of the screen.
You can also visit the Bridge Records page to view this transaction.
When the countdown ends, you will see a message notifying you that the transaction is completed.
Your asset will arrive at the receiving address on BTTC, and the balance of this address will be updated. You may view the details of this transaction in "Bridge Records".