All users are welcome to become a validator. You can click the button at the top of the Staking homepage to access the application form. Please note that you are not allowed to apply when the number of validators reaches the upper limit of 21; if there are still places available, click "Become a Validator" to access the application page.
1. Follow the tutorial to set up your server. Once it is done, move on to the next step to enter the information of your node.
- You need to enter the following:
(1) Validator logo (be aware of the supported file formats);
(2) Validator name (2-30 characters in length);
(3) Website URL if you have one (at most 50 characters);
(4) Enter the TRON wallet address that you want to use for signing and validating blocks in the "Signer's address" field. If the address entered is correct, the mapped Ethereum and BNB Chain addresses will be displayed. You are required to deposit the token corresponding to each chain (TRX, ETH, and BNB) into each of the three addresses, which will be used to pay the fees for checkpoint submission. As each signer's address can only be linked to one owner's address, the action will fail if the address you want to use has already been linked to another owner's address;
(5) Signer's public key (see the validator profile for information on how to get the key: link
- Once you have confirmed the information, sign in your TronLink wallet to submit the node information.
4. You have to stake at least 1,000,000,100,000 BTT to confirm blocks produced on the network.
5. After clicking on "Confirm", click "Accept" in the TronLink Signature Request pop-up window to confirm the action.
6. Once the signature is confirmed, wait until the transaction is recorded on the chain to complete
7. Once becoming a validator, you can decide the commission rate, which is set to 0% by default. Commission rate refers to the percentage of a transaction's value charged by the validator.
- Enter an integer between 1 and 100. A confirmation window will pop up when you click "Save". After clicking on "Confirm", click "Accept" in the TronLink Signature Request pop-up window to confirm the action.
2. Once the signature is confirmed, wait until the transaction is recorded on the chain to complete the action.